Submitted byadmin on15 June 2017
Getty Meeting, October 2015
News event date

The launch meeting of the CAST:ING project was held at the J. Paul Getty Museum on October 18-19, 2015. Among the goals for the meeting was for the group to have the opportunity to meet one another in person to discuss the underlying goals of the project, including the structure and content of the Vocabulary and Guidelines and their eventual online publication.

As a prerequisite to an efficient and convivial meeting, a clear road map of the current state of knowledge, issues, and inquiries pertaining to bronze sculpture aimed to be established. To that end the meeting started with overviews of select geo-chronological areas of expertise. With more than 30 attendees, there wasn't enough time in two days for everyone to present individually on their work AND to focus on the other tasks at hand. Thus two people have been designated to offer representative 15-minute talks. These were:

The complete schedule of the meeting may be viewed by clicking here. The list of attendees may be viewed by clicking here.

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News Locality
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles